Saturday, 30 August 2008

testing, testing, 1,2,3......

As my foray into blogging begins, I have no idea what I am doing. This box popped up and asked me to write something....I promise to get more exciting in the future.....


sallie said...

i am very much looking forward to reading your travells and the situations that you guys WILL get yourselves into!! bring it on. x

Web Archiving Section said...

Dear John

The National Library of Australia is interested in contacting the author of this blog with regard to its possible inclusion within PANDORA: Australia's Web Archive. We were unable to locate any contact details onsite and are requesting that if you are interested in your blog being archived that you contact us at: webarchive [at]

You can see more details on the Archive at the link below.



Mt Karioi

Mt Karioi