Saturday, 29 January 2011

Mother Nature Vs Johnny Ray

We are off to Vanuatu next week…..we hope…..we plan to anyway……another tropical island in the warm and azure South Pacific…..but then here’s the story.  Like my previous post, Mother Nature has been busy this season whipping up lots of goodies in her kitchen.  Her specialty this time of year is cyclones.  It’s a bit like us humans when we cook soups in winter or roasts on Sunday, certain foods for certain occasions.  Well, Mother Nature cooks up cyclones in summer and she never disappoints.  This year however, she has been extra busy with the help of her Latina gal-pal, La Niña, creating extensive flooding throughout Australia as well as cyclones almost on a weekly occurrence, or even as extreme as now with three cyclones on the go at once!  So, please Mother Nature, I know you love whipping things up to show us all how magnificent and creative you are, but please don’t send any in Vanuatu’s direction.  They’re on a diet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the analogies, J-Ray! :) xx Caragh

Mt Karioi

Mt Karioi