Saturday, 23 May 2020

A Magic Carpet

Its been a magic carpet ride for the past few years.  Many a time have I needed to stop and pinch myself.  My first few roles out of the zoo keeping profession were a bit shaky and uneven, not really sure of my own abilities and the expectations of others and if they would ever match up.  Apparently not in some cases.  The best way I described it to others was that as a zookeeper, it all felt so very natural, instinctive, innate, instinctual.  I often felt I had been training for the role my entire life, everything was already part of me, an extension of who I was.  Moving out of this field in to a corporate field, I had to learn everything.  Nothing came natural, many new skills had to be developed.  Not just the technical skills of working in office environments but the social skills of working with people who were clearly quite different from the circles I had spent all of my life in.  Most didn't know much about animals, or conservation, or travelling, or all the things that were part of my daily conversations I had in previous roles.  Conversations became about reality TV shows, kids, clothes and makeup, cafes to eat times it was like another language. And yet here I am, fitting in to this new world as comfortably as a new pair of jeans.  A bit tight some days, but generally a god fit.  So if you don't mind, please stand clear.  This magic carpet is set to continue on its way.

Mt Karioi

Mt Karioi